Just received this from VPIRG (Vermont Public Interest Research Group):
Global warming is all over the news, and has become the top issue of this legislative session, ski season and kitchen table conversations everywhere. But it will be up to the people of Vermont to ensure we find solutions that match the severity of the problem.
We want to invite you to join Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss, neighbors, friends and experts in a new campaign to build a clean, safe and affordable energy future for Vermont.
VPIRG and the Mayorβs office are teaming up to fight global warming at the city and state level, and we want you to join us at our kick-off meeting! The meeting will launch a new city-wide effort to cut global warming pollution, discuss our state-wide campaign strategy, and plan for coordinated grassroots action.
I hope you’ll join us at Burlingtonβs City Hall: Thursday February 8th at 6:30pm.
Burlington and Vermont have a chance to lead the nation this year by cutting our energy use and getting more power from clean local sources. It’s the most important issue facing the legislature and the city of Burlington this year, and we need your support to ensure a victory. Together, we can make it happen!
Just checked the City’s events calendar, but no mention of the event… here’s what I found at VPIRG’s website:
Kick-Off Meetings Launch Campaign for Clean Power
VPIRG is part of a coalition of anti-nuke, pro-renewable energy groups supporting legislation that would ensure that our energy needs are met through investments in renewables and efficiency first. We are hosting kick-off meetings across the state to engage citizen activists, discuss our campaign strategy, and plan for coordinated grassroots action (calling legislators, writing letters to the editor). The Vermont legislature has made global warming the number one issue of this legislative session. Now it’s up to the people of Vermont to make sure that the solutions they propose match the severity of the problem before us.
It appears from the email that I received that Mayor Kiss is in agreement with VPIRG about the issue, to let our Mayor know how you feel about the issue, he will be taking calls tomorrow morning at 7AM on the Charlie & Ernie Show (620AM on the radio), phone 655-0303.
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