Getting to Know Mayor Bob Kiss
This morning Jeremy and I attended the monthly Burlington Business Association’s (BBA) meeting at the ECHO center, where we were able to get a glimpse of what the newly elected Mayor, and former State Rep. Bob Kiss had in mind for the city of Burlington.
I’ll do a recap of my personal thoughts of the meeting in italics for you, as I know everyone’s wondering right now what Mayor Kiss has in mind for the city.
Also, FYI: Jeremy’s already made an observational post about the Q&A session on his blog.
The meeting started off as usual, with a light breakfast, where people could meet personally with Mayor Kiss.
I guess there were quite a few who wanted to speak with him personally, as the meeting started about 10 minutes past the scheduled time to start, something that struck me as odd, as BBA is usually on schedule.
Mike Monte the head of CEDO was in attendance (and was actually dressed in a black suit, something I’ve never seen him do before at any meeting… kinda odd for a meeting taking place at 8AM), Police Chief Tremblay, Parks and Rec director Wayne Gross, and the newly appointed manager John Leopold were also in attendance, recognized at the beginning of the meeting.
Right before Bob’s turn to speak, it was mentioned that John Leopold may also be able to speak and answer questions as well, to which Leopold immediately shook his head no. I feel it’s another odd thing to be happening for a public official, to not answer questions, or at the very least introduce yourself to the public.
When it came to Bob’s turn to speak, he repeatedly said in his opening statement that it’s his 3rd day in office.
As if to say, don’t ask any questions of depth because I’m not familiar with anything yet. But wasn’t he elected almost a month ago now? It seems to me that once you are elected, or hopefully before you are elected, you should try and make an effort to become familiar with the workings of the city, so you may be able to address questions. Another odd thing.
Bob went on to say that he had just got his email set up – [email protected]
and that he would prefer people to reach him by that way, or by phone 802-865-7272.
No mention that his door was always open or anything like that… kinda struck me as odd as well, but he did mention that he is making an effort right now to meet with people.
Total number odd things happened at the meeting: 5
The meeting actually ended a bit early, which didn’t surprise me, as Bob’s known to be a man of few words.
So, as I recount this meeting with the new mayor, I have to say I’m a little worried about the growth of what Bob calls ‘good government’, and hope to see that odd meter go down in numbers as time goes on.
I always welcome comments, so please… feel free! 😉
April 6, 2006 @ 6:05 pm
So the “odd things” that got you a little worried about Bob (as implied in your conclusion) were:
1) The meeting started 10 minutes late.
2) Michael Monte wore a black suit.
3) “John Leopold may also be able to speak and answer questions as well”, which in the very next sentence turned into “a public official… not answer(ing) questions”.
4) Bob “repeatedly” said it’s his 3rd day in office.
5) “No mention that his door was always open or anything like that.”
That’s funny! Was it meant as a humorous post? My apologies if not. But that was great! To spice it up a little, you should have written that Bob had conspicuous red dots on his tie. Or that you saw Bob in the study with a rope. Then you could give Agatha Christie a run for her money.
April 6, 2006 @ 6:39 pm
Damn it, I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymmore. Let’s go out and burn some cars! Three days and Bob Kiss is a disaster!
April 6, 2006 @ 7:05 pm
I wasn’t worried or enraged at all… just my personal observations of the event for those that couldn’t attend. This post wasn’t meant to knock down Bob at all, it was just my impressions of what was said and happened during the meeting.
For those interested in the BBA meetings, they are always open to the public. More info about events is available on their website, the link is in the original post.
April 6, 2006 @ 7:54 pm
“I have to say I’m a little worried about the growth of what Bob calls ‘good government'”
….then later….
“I wasn’t worried or enraged at all…”
Oh. Guess we read that wrong.
April 7, 2006 @ 7:57 pm
“That’s funny!”
“Oh. Guess we read that wrong.”
Guess you did, anonymous city employee who’s rightfully scared of losing their job. Quit dicking around on the internet and get to work.
April 13, 2006 @ 4:14 pm
These progressive types don’t take to well to criticism.
Since he’s a socialist, his idea of ‘good government’ will be one that is all encompasing. Just look to the checklist on the progressive lawn signs to see what’s in store.
Just don’t look for roads to be paved or watermains to be replaced. Socialist uptopias are built on crumbling infrastructure.
April 14, 2006 @ 9:35 am
nice optimizing, bob. Yes, all hell is breaking loose in Burlington because they care about their citizens. Bob Kiss is an evil, evil man who loves potholes! If a person eats instead of your stupid pothole being filled I’ll do cartwheels.
April 16, 2006 @ 11:02 am
“Yes, all hell is breaking loose in Burlington because they care about their citizens.”
Actually, all hell is breaking loose because people are realizing that they voted for Dr. Jekyll and got Mr. Hyde.
Census figures out this week show VT citizens pay more taxes per capita than any other state in the country. What a great time to ignore the basic services that those taxes pay for, while simulataneously talking about the socialist experiments that you’re going to raise taxes for in the future.
April 17, 2006 @ 1:06 pm
“Bob Kiss is an evil, evil man who loves potholes! If a person eats instead of your stupid pothole being filled I’ll do cartwheels.”
First off, I don’t think Bob Kiss is evil, just politically misguided.
Also, it’s not the government’s job to feed people. That’s what charities and organizations like the Salvation Army are for.
However, it IS the government’s job to pave the roads and maintain the water infrastructure.
April 17, 2006 @ 8:42 pm
Why should the government pave our roads for us? That costs tax money and I won’t stand for it. I don’t use roads in Alaska. Why should I pay for them? Salvation Army? They want Faith Based Intiative money. That just isn’t right.
April 17, 2006 @ 10:12 pm
“That costs tax money and I won’t stand for it.”
So does your welfare check, but you don’t hear me complaining.
April 24, 2006 @ 11:33 am
Given the disaster Bob Kiss has inherited, it’s easy to understand the caution you describe.
Those of you who blindly voted for Clavelle ala Monte might better put your shoulder to the wheel of ‘progress’ if there’s to be any(progress, that is).
Like attending the “Special Meeting of the Board of Finance” Monday afternoon at 5.