Burlington as a ‘sanctuary city’?
For those who haven’t heard about Mayor Kiss’ comments, here’s the Ch. 3 Story.
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Do you support Mayor Kiss’ proposal of Burlington as a ‘sanctuary city’ for undocumented immigrants? (One Answer) |
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I always welcome comments, so please… feel free! 😉
May 3, 2006 @ 1:14 pm
I guess all of Burlington’s other problems are solved, if he’s got time to focus on this nonsense.
May 5, 2006 @ 9:05 am
Kiss is a man who stands on principle. He is a true Progressive.
May 5, 2006 @ 3:03 pm
Regardless of what his principles are, he’s got to get his priorities straight. Even ignoring the fact that this is an idiotic idea for a small town like Burlington, it shouldn’t be something he’s worried about right now.
In any case, isn’t the INS a federal service? Wouldn’t this just coax citizens who had problems with illegals into dealing with the issue above the city level? Looks like the local office is in St. Albans, (802) 527-3259 is the enforcement hotline.
May 6, 2006 @ 7:53 am
People first, the Kiss mantra.
May 6, 2006 @ 9:59 am
“People first, the Kiss mantra.”
Sounds like the punchline of a bad joke. “Remember that clown we accidentally elected mayor for one term back in 2006?”
May 7, 2006 @ 9:16 am
Good article about this in today’s Free Press. Looks like questions about Kiss’ competence are already being raised.
May 8, 2006 @ 8:22 am
Kurt Wright is a good one to question someone’s competence. Kiss isn’t in over his head, but he’s certainly in over Kurt’s head.
Besides all this you knee-jerkers are acting like the it’s a done deal. Relax and use your brain for a second. It’s good to exercise it. Practice on some crossword puzzles.
May 8, 2006 @ 10:27 am
“Besides all this you knee-jerkers are acting like the it’s a done deal.”
Obviously “the it’s” not a done deal – it’s not going to happen, but that’s not the issue. It’s that it raises larger questions of Kiss’ ability to handle a job he had to be talked into applying for. I never heard Joe McNeil say “I don’t know what he’s talking about” with one of Clavelle’s ideas.
May 8, 2006 @ 11:58 am
That’s what “exploring” means. Can McNeil handle it, ya think?
One guy on some freak radio show suggest Kiss be arrested. Sheesh! It’s only a three year term. Hinda can run again. Unless she keeps flapping her gums and ruins it for herself.
May 8, 2006 @ 1:15 pm
“Can McNeil handle it, ya think?”
I think his response made it pretty clear that he’s already handled it as much as he’s going to. Don’t hold your breath waiting to hear about this again – ever.
May 8, 2006 @ 1:17 pm
Who made McNeil the mayor?
May 8, 2006 @ 1:26 pm
You’ve misquoted McNeil, first of all. And there was no indication in the Free Press article saying he had handled it all he was going to. How else would you expect Kurt Wright to react? Intelligently? That’s not his history. And Keogh? His knuckles drag. He should live in Rutland for God’s sake.
May 8, 2006 @ 2:46 pm
“You’ve misquoted McNeil, first of all. And there was no indication in the Free Press article saying he had handled it all he was going to.”
It’s called “paraphrasing” and “reading between the lines.” If he does look into it, he’ll issue a formal opinion, and if he does that then I was wrong. But I can guarantee you that it’s not going to happen. Everyone who matters knows that it’s a stupid idea.
Interesting that the Free Press couldn’t get anyone to say anything good about the idea. Even the Progressive wouldn’t back it up – “None of us really knows at this point what we’re talking about.” That sounds about right.
BTW, Immigration and Customs issued a statement essentially saying that such a gesture would be pointless.
May 8, 2006 @ 2:51 pm
Even the Progressive wouldn’t back it up – “None of us really knows at this point what we’re talking about.”
Reading between the lines, maybe Ashe was saying: “Rather than being reactionary, why don’t you wait and see the outcome of the exploration since ‘none of us really knows at this point what we’re talking about'”
May 8, 2006 @ 3:01 pm
“Reading between the lines” doesn’t mean “fabricating ideas from thin air.” It was just a nicer way of saying what everyone else in the article was saying – Bumpersticker Bob got excited and threw something out without thinking it through or talking to anyone about it first.
“He should live in Rutland for God’s sake.”
Because Rutland is such a little hick town compared to the sophisticated metropolis of Burlington?
May 8, 2006 @ 3:29 pm
Well, Rutland’s a little backward, sorry to say. Hinda Miller should move there and make it “vibrant”.
May 8, 2006 @ 3:49 pm
“Well, Rutland’s a little backward, sorry to say.”
And Burlington’s not? You need to get out of the state a little more often.
May 10, 2006 @ 10:04 am
It appears Free Press has a poll up as well about this same matter:
To vote, visit the poll towards the bottom of the Free Press’ home page: